Purble Place 2




Are you looking for a suitable online game for your child, in which he would not only mindlessly control characters and press buttons, but also solve some puzzles, training his brain? Purble Place 2 is perfect! This game is suitable for both the smallest, because there is nothing super intricate to do here, and for older children, because there are three levels of difficulty, and depending on this, the game becomes much more difficult to complete. Well, are you ready to find out more?

Great game for kids – and their parents!

Scientists have proven that children learn better in the form of a game. Why? Firstly, they are attracted by everything bright, cheerful and dynamic. Such is the age. Secondly, children actively learn about the world, they are interested in everything around them, they are often distracted and cannot concentrate on any one type of activity for a long time. What do we end up with? If you are trying to get them to solve a math problem, and a multi-colored ball suddenly flies outside the window, the second event is much more likely to take all the attention of the child, addition and subtraction will be forgotten, and the kid will get cold and the trace will run out to play football. How to make children have fun and learn at the same time? A great way – online games like Purble Place 2! Showing your baby exactly what to do here, you yourself will not notice how time passes!

Learn while having fun!

What should kids do in this bright and hospitable world? There are many tasks for every taste. You can play a kind of mahjong, trying to memorize the pictures in a few seconds and then turning them over in turn. If you find a couple – it disappears from the screen. The more wrong you are, the less points you earn. And if there are too many mistakes, the level will end and you will have to replay it from the beginning.

But this is still a rather difficult task, is there something simpler for those who have just learned how to use gadgets? Of course! For example, you can have your baby sit down to combine the parts of the cake into one confection by color and shape. Choose a game to your liking, discover all the possibilities of Purble Place 2 and be sure that your children spend their leisure time not only with fun, but also with benefit!

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