Purble Place
Popular games

Do you want to improve your memory, attention and other skills a little? Then come to Purble Place! Here you will find bright and exciting puzzles that can be quite difficult despite their apparent cartoonishness and simplicity. Start playing right now and see how long it will take you to complete the whole game!
Why are puzzle games so good for us?
Have you noticed that doing the same type of activity for a long time (or not doing anything at all) seems to make you a little dumber? This is an unfortunate effect due to the fact that our brain functions due to neural connections. These connections may be many or few, they may be strong or not very strong. The more diverse tasks we have to perform, the denser the network of neural bridges – the brain has to form more and more new connections in order to connect the different departments involved in performing this particular task.
There is another correlation here – the more often you do some type of activity, the stronger the neural connections that provide it. And the weaker the connections that you rarely use. What is the conclusion? The more time a person devotes to performing various intellectual operations and the more diverse they are, the better his brain develops. And to achieve this effect, you don’t even need to learn foreign languages, read scientific journals or start a new hobby – it’s enough to devote at least some time a day to the most ordinary puzzles! For example, such as Purble Place.
Solve different tasks and upgrade your mental skills!
Initially, Purble Place was designed for children. Indeed, the game immediately catches the eye with its bright visual part and a certain cartoonishness. Everything is as simple as possible here – the menu and interface are made in such a way that you don’t get confused in them. Mini-games are also not particularly difficult, at least at the level of rules. For example, in one of them you will work as a confectioner who has to fold a cake from separate pieces, focusing on color and shape. In the next game, you need to memorize the pictures and open them in pairs like in mahjong. The most interesting game is the one where you will put together a human face from different elements, trying to guess how this or that character should look like in the end. As you can see, you won’t be bored. Start playing Purble Place right now and improve your intellectual abilities every day!